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Google competitor under surveillance cannot get a single photo of her rooftop

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One of the greatest ironies of the surveillance of the google competitor by indian intelligence and security agencies since 2010, allegedly bribed by google,tata, is that though satellite surveillance, drones are used to monitor all her activities , when she is entering and leaving her house, she herself is struggling to get a photo or any kind of information of what is the problem on the roof of her house is , so that she can fix it

The powerful ntro employees who have falsely claimed to know her very well, to get 10 of their lazy greedy mediocre cheater housewife, sex worker, and other fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with her stolen resume, investment, have extensive photos of her house, and if she actually was able to contact anyone of them or even knew how to contact them, she would at least try to get one photo of what is happening on her roof, when it rains heavily and the water is leaking from the roof.

Additionally the google competitor, engineer is also expected to pay a higher price for all the services, products which she will purchase in Goa, so there disadvantages only, no advantages of being under surveillance using satellites and drones